R Commander For Mac

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R will ask you to select a CRAN mirror; pick the first, '0-Cloud' mirror, or a mirror site near you. • Once it is installed, to load the Rcmdr package, simply issue the command library(Rcmdr) at the R > command prompt and press return. When you first load the Rcmdr package, it will offer to download and install missing dependencies; allow it to do so. • Suppressing 'app nap': Under Mac OS X 10.9 ('Mavericks') or later, the R Commander may slow down or occasionally hesitate to display a menu as your session progresses.

This behaviour is due to OS X 10.9 or later saving power by going into 'nap' mode when the R.app window is not visible. I am aware of several solutions (beyond always inconveniently insuring that the top of the R.app window is visible).

Installing R and R-Commander This appendix gives detailed instructions for installing R and R-Commander. A.1 Installing R. Necessary for building R for Mac OS X.

The first solution is simplest. (1) You can suppress app nap via the R Commander Tools -> Manage Mac OS X app nap for R.app menu. Select the radio button to set app nap off in the resulting dialog box. New drug development a regulatory overview.

This setting is permanent across R.app sessions until you change it. (2) You can avoid the problem by running R in a terminal window rather than using R.app. There really is no reason to prefer running the R Commander in R.app, so using R from a terminal should be perfectly fine. • Open the Utilities subfolder inside the Applications folder on your Mac.

Click on Terminal.app to open a terminal window. • At the Unix command prompt in the terminal window, type R and press the enter (or return) key. On my Mac, the Unix command prompt looks like this: john-fox-mbp:~ jfox$ • Once R starts up, you'll see the usual initial messages, followed by the R command prompt, > • As usual, type library(Rcmdr) at the R prompt and press the enter key. • After you exit from the R Commander, you can safely close the terminal window, whether or not you have exited from R. (3) You can prevent your computer from napping when R.app is running, even if it's not visible, by right-clicking (or control-clicking) on R.app in the Applications folder in the Finder, and selecting Get Info from the context menu. Check the box next to Prevent App Nap. The change is permanent until you reverse it by unchecking the box.

This solution only works with the snowleopard build of R.app. (4) Enter the following command in a Mac terminal window at the Unix command prompt: defaults write org.R-project.R NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES This is the manual equivalent of solution (1), and is permanent until reversed. Mac OS X Trouble-shooting Occasionally, the Rcmdr package will fail to load properly in Mac OS X.

When this problem occurs, the cause is almost always the failure of the tcltk package to load --The Rcmdr package depends on the tcltk package. You can confirm this diagnosis by trying to load the tcltk package directly, in a fresh R session, issuing the command library(tcltk)at the R command prompt. • If you are running R version 3.1.2, the tcltk package may fail to load with a message like the following.

This is due to a bug in R 3.1.2, which assumes that the otool utility is installed on your system, and which fails if it is not. The simplest fix is to install a newer version of R. Error:.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details: call: system2('otool', c('-L', shQuote(DLL)), stdout = TRUE) error: error in running command Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tcltk’ sh: otool: command not found • If the tcltk package fails to load with a message like the following, then your system has an old version of X-Windows that is incompatible with the version of Tcl/Tk for X-Windows that's distributed with R. The probable solution is to run Mac OS Software Update, as suggested in the steps above -- or just install the current version of XQuartz.

(Redirected from ) This file contains information on installing and using ( and ( on a computer running Mac OS X. Mac users in NATS 1500 and MATH 1532 (Winter 2010) encountered issues getting Rcmdr to work after following ( Edvin Vitaj in NATS 1500 prepared the following notes to help with the installation. In contrast with the version of Rcmdr on the PC, the version on the Mac does not import Excel files. Course datasets need to be downloaded as comma-separated text files. Instruction for downloading these files are given below. Table of contents. [] Installing R and Rcmdr • First download R-2.14.1.pkg (or the latest version) from • To install it just double click on the downloaded file and follow the usual steps as with any application.

• When the installation is finished, run the application (R64.app), select from the menu Packages & Data, then from the drop down menu select Package Installer. • A new window will open, an image of the window is shown below. In the right corner there is a box similar to the google search window in a web browser, type in there Rcmdr. • On the left side, there is a button Get List, by clicking we select the Ontario, Canada and then click enter.